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Create a codebook of your oTree code by automatically scanning your project folder and retrieving all variables' information.


  path = ".",
  fsource = "init",
  output = "both",
  output_dir = getwd(),
  output_file = "codebook",
  output_format = "pdf_document",
  output_open = TRUE,
  app_doc = TRUE,
  app = NULL,
  app_rm = NULL,
  doc_info = TRUE,
  sort = NULL,
  settings_replace = "global",
  user_settings = NULL,
  include_cons = TRUE,
  preamb = FALSE,
  encoding = "UTF-8",
  title = "Codebook",
  subtitle = "created with gmoTree",
  params = NULL,
  date = "today"



Character. Path of the oTree experiment.


Character. "init" if information should be taken from the files (newer oTree code with 5.x format). "models" (or "model") if the information should be taken from the files (older oTree code with 3.x format).


Character. "list" if the output should contain a list of variables and their information. "file" if the output should be a file such as a Word or PDF file. "both" if the output should contain a file and a list.


Character. The absolute path where the function's output will be saved. Only absolute paths are allowed for this parameter. Relative paths can be specified in the output_file parameter.


Character. The name of the output file generated by the function. The file name can be provided with or without an extension. Relative paths are also allowed in the file name.


Character. Format of the file output. This is the format that is passed to the output_format argument of rmarkdown::render. You must use either "pdf_document", "html_document", "word_document", "odt_document", "rtf_document", "md_document", or "latex_document".


Logical. TRUE if file output should be opened after creation.


Logical. TRUE if app documentation should be included in output file.


Character. Name of the included app(s). Default is to use all apps. This argument can not be used simultaneously as the argument app_rm.


Character. Name of the excluded app(s). Default is to exclude no apps. This argument can not be used simultaneously as the argument app.


Logical. TRUE if a message with information on all variables without documentation should also be returned.


Character. Vector that specifies the order of the apps in the codebook.


Character or NULL. Specifies how to handle references to settings variables. Use "global" to replace references with the global settings variables defined in Use "user" to replace references with the variables provided in the user_settings argument. Use NULL to leave references to settings variables unchanged. Caution: This function does not use variables defined in SESSION_CONFIGS. If you vary settings variables in SESSION_CONFIGS, set settings_replace to "user" and manually replace them using the user_settings argument.


List. List of variables in the file that are used to replace setting variable references. This is only used if settings_replace = "user" and should be used when setting variables are defined within the SESSION_CONFIGS.


Logical. TRUE if there should be a section for the constants in the codebook.


Logical. TRUE if a preamble should be printed that explains how oTree saves variables.


Character. Encoding of the created Markdown file. As in knitr::knit, this argument is always assumed to be UTF-8 and ignored.


Character. Title of output file.


Character. Subtitle of output file.


List. List of variable name and value pairs to be passed to the RmD file. Only relevant if argument output "file" or "both" if chosen.


Date that is passed to the Rmd file. Either "today", NULL, or a user defined date. Only relevant if argument output "file" or "both" if chosen.


The function returns two main types of outputs:

(a) a list of variables along with their information

(b) a file containing the codebook for the experiment

If doc_info is TRUE it also returns a message containing the names of all variables that have no documentation.


This code works only when there are no dictionaries used (for example in the session configurations in

Caution 1: Multiline comments are ignored, meaning that all variables commented out in this manner will nevertheless be included in the codebook. In contrast, variables commented out with line comments will not appear in the codebook.

Caution 2: If there are commas in the value strings, they might be used to split the text. Please manually insert a backslash symbol in front of the commas to avoid that. E.g. "Yes, I will" -> "Yes\, I will".

Caution 3: This code cannot interpret variables that were imported from other files (for example CSV files) and that have special formatting included (e.g., special string formatting in Python such as float(1.4) to represent a float number).

Caution 4: This code was developed and tested with basic oTree codes and has not been verified for compatibility with oTree versions later than 5.4.0. If you experience issues with newer versions or more complex code structures, please open an issue on GitHub.


# The examples use a slightly modified version of the official oTree sample codes.

# Make a codebook and resort the apps
combined_codebook <- codebook(
  path = system.file("extdata/ocode_new", package = "gmoTree"),
  output = "list",
  fsource = "init",
  doc_info = FALSE)

# Show the structure of the codebook
str(combined_codebook, 1)
#> List of 16
#>  $ settings            :List of 10
#>  $ bargaining          :List of 4
#>  $ bertrand            :List of 4
#>  $ common_value_auction:List of 4
#>  $ cournot             :List of 4
#>  $ dictator            :List of 3
#>  $ guess_two_thirds    :List of 4
#>  $ matching_pennies    :List of 4
#>  $ payment_info        :List of 4
#>  $ prisoner            :List of 4
#>  $ public_goods_simple :List of 3
#>  $ survey              :List of 3
#>  $ traveler_dilemma    :List of 4
#>  $ trust               :List of 3
#>  $ trust_simple        :List of 3
#>  $ volunteer_dilemma   :List of 4
str(combined_codebook$bargaining$Player, 1)
#> List of 4
#>  $ request:List of 6
#>  $ level2 :List of 3
#>  $ level3 :List of 3
#>  $ level  :List of 3

# Make a codebook with only the "bargaining" app
combined_codebook <- codebook(
  path = system.file("extdata/ocode_new", package = "gmoTree"),
  output = "list",
  fsource = "init",
  app = "bargaining",
  doc_info = FALSE)

# Show the structure of the codebook 
str(combined_codebook, 1)
#> List of 2
#>  $ settings  :List of 10
#>  $ bargaining:List of 4
str(combined_codebook$bargaining$Player, 1)
#> List of 4
#>  $ request:List of 6
#>  $ level2 :List of 3
#>  $ level3 :List of 3
#>  $ level  :List of 3

# Make a codebook with all but the "bargaining" app
combined_codebook <- codebook(
  path = system.file("extdata/ocode_new", package = "gmoTree"),
  output = "list",
  fsource = "init",
  app_rm = "bargaining",
  doc_info = FALSE)

# Show the structure of the codebook 
str(combined_codebook, 1)
#> List of 15
#>  $ settings            :List of 10
#>  $ bertrand            :List of 4
#>  $ common_value_auction:List of 4
#>  $ cournot             :List of 4
#>  $ dictator            :List of 3
#>  $ guess_two_thirds    :List of 4
#>  $ matching_pennies    :List of 4
#>  $ payment_info        :List of 4
#>  $ prisoner            :List of 4
#>  $ public_goods_simple :List of 3
#>  $ survey              :List of 3
#>  $ traveler_dilemma    :List of 4
#>  $ trust               :List of 3
#>  $ trust_simple        :List of 3
#>  $ volunteer_dilemma   :List of 4
str(combined_codebook$bargaining$Player, 1)
#>  NULL

# Use oTree code in 3.x format
combined_codebook <- codebook(
  path = system.file("extdata/ocode_z", package = "gmoTree"),
  fsource = "model",
  output = "list",
  doc_info = TRUE)
#> Variables without documentation, label, or verbose name:
#> > rankaversion$Player$choicenumber
#> > rankend$Player$done_distribution
#> Warning: Some variables or code parts contain code that is too complex for this function. Hence, this function might have overseen important variables and references to them. Check the output carefully! Found in:
#> > App rankaversion(Constants) (read_csv)
#> > App rankend(Constants) (read_csv)
#> > $settings$showupToken (float)
#> > $end$Constants$showupToken (float)
#> > $end$Constants$showupTokenTest (float)

# Show the structure of the codebook
str(combined_codebook, 1)
#> List of 4
#>  $ settings    :List of 20
#>  $ end         :List of 4
#>  $ rankaversion:List of 4
#>  $ rankend     :List of 4

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Create a codebook PDF with authors' names and todays' date
  path = system.file("extdata/ocode_z", package = "gmoTree"),
  fsource = "init",
  doc_info = FALSE,
  output = "file",
  output_format = "pdf_document",
  date = "today",
  title = "My Codebook",
  subtitle = "codebook created with gmoTree",
  params = list(author = c("Max Mustermann", "John Doe"))

# Create a codebook PDF and save it in a subfolder of the
# current folder:
# "C:/Users/pzauchner/Nextcloud/R_analyses/cb/cb.pdf"
getwd() # "C:/Users/pzauchner/Nextcloud/R_analyses"
combined_codebook <- gmoTree::codebook(
  path = "C:/Users/pzauchner/Nextcloud/R_analyses/oTree",
  fsource = "models",
  output = "both",
  output_file = "cb/cb.pdf",
  output_format = "pdf_document")

# You can also omit *.pdf after the file name
combined_codebook <- gmoTree::codebook(
  path = "C:/Users/pzauchner/Nextcloud/R_analyses/oTree",
  fsource = "models",
  output = "both",
  output_file = "cb/cb",
  output_format = "pdf_document")
} # }